Hair, eyes and a smile…the first things we notice about people. If it is a job interview, a first date or just you looking in the mirror, teeth are one of our most important assets, and orthodontics has much to offer to get you that perfect smile!
Adult patients frequently present with either a functional problem (where there is an issue with teeth alignment, a bad bite, jaw problems or worn teeth), or an aesthetic problem (generally not happy with the appearance of their teeth), or both.
Orthodontic treatment can certainly be used to improve both of these general concerns and can involve the use of clear aligner systems (such as Invisalign) or ceramic braces. We are seeing more and more adult patients seeking orthodontic treatment. No longer is orthodontics thought of as a treatment for young patients only. However, there are differences between our adult and adolescent orthodontic patients:
– Similar to bone healing and the healing of skin cuts, movement of teeth is rapid in the adolescent group of patients when compared to the adult group.
– Adult patients usually have had more experiences with dentistry (their teeth have been in the mouth for longer) which means that there are generally more fillings, caps, veneers or implants.
– Adults usually have more complicated health problems and medical issues that can significantly affect orthodontic treatment time, jaw function and can affect their tooth movement. e.g. diabetes, asthma, gastric reflux, osteoporosis, chronic muscle or back pain, migraines, anxiety etc.
– Generally, adults present with varying levels of gum disease. Specialist orthodontists are highly trained in ensuring that active gum disease is not missed, and will often provide you with a necessary referral to see a hygienist, dentist or specialist periodontist whenever necessary. Only when there is an absence of gingivitis and periodontitis can orthodontic treatment (using braces or Invisalign) be carried out safely and predictably.
– As the teeth have been in the mouth for longer, there tends to be more wear and tear on them. This generally means that you should be treated by a specialist orthodontist who has had comprehensive extra training in dealing with such cases. Trust the experts!
At Shakespeare Orthodontics, our locally-trained and expert specialist orthodontists (Mo, Azza and Adriana) carry out a comprehensive examination and diagnosis – so you get the combination of best dental knowledge as well as the latest in technological advances to get you the smile you want.